MEETING 05/10/2014

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MEETING 05/10/2014 by Mind Map: MEETING 05/10/2014

1. Additional Notes

2. Open Questions

2.1. Will we be able to ...?

2.2. How much will ...?

2.3. How long will it take to ...?

3. Roadmap

3.1. Task

3.2. Task

3.3. Task

3.4. Task

4. Participants

4.1. John Doe

4.1.1. Marketing

4.1.2. PR

4.2. Jane Demo

4.2.1. Content Management

4.2.2. Social Media

4.3. Jenna Doe

4.3.1. Sales

4.3.2. Partner Management

5. Goals

5.1. Define marketing strategy

5.2. Find a more efficient way to ...

5.3. Settle for a new design of ...

6. Agenda

6.1. Partner interaction

6.2. Client interaction

6.3. Social media strategy

6.4. Offline Marketing

6.4.1. Brochures

6.4.2. Flyers

6.4.3. Book

6.5. Events

6.5.1. Fairs

6.5.2. Exhibitions

6.5.3. Meetings