Roman Myth(Romulus+Remus)

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Roman Myth(Romulus+Remus) by Mind Map: Roman Myth(Romulus+Remus)

1. Patriarchal

2. Service To The State And Religious Service

2.1. Roman ideal

2.1.1. Gravitas

2.1.2. 2 Pietas Loyal to state and family

2.1.3. 3 Frugalatas

2.2. Defined emporers

3. Multiple Versions

3.1. Political

3.2. Cultural Pride

3.3. Adopting+adapting from other cultures

4. Common Archetypes

4.1. Babies in a basket

4.2. Brother versus brother

4.3. Divine conception

4.4. Divine guidance in a city founding.

5. Myths Grounded Into History