Collaborative Technologies at Work

part of panel presentation for SMU LEAD session, 21 Jan 2010

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Collaborative Technologies at Work by Mind Map: Collaborative Technologies at Work

1. Dimdim

1.1. online web conferencing

1.1.1. free version, 20 participants

1.1.2. unlimited# of meetings

1.2. features

1.2.1. whiteboards and annotation tools

1.2.2. share mics/webcams

1.2.3. no download or install

1.2.4. web page co-browsing

1.2.5. record/embed meetings

1.3. Backpackit

1.4. Basecamp

2. Google wave

2.1. conversation

2.2. live

2.3. shared

2.4. documents

2.5. uses?

2.5.1. brainstorming

2.5.2. group projects

2.5.3. meeting notes

2.5.4. file sharing

3. Slideshare

3.1. share presentations and other docs online, by email, social networking sites, blog, embed, etc.

3.2. can run full presentation, see slide notes, comment

4. Voicethread

5. Dropbox

5.1. 2GB free option

5.2. other plans

5.3. features

5.3.1. sync and share files

5.3.2. web and mobile access

5.3.3. automatic backup

5.3.4. app works like any folder on your computer

6. Mindmeister

6.1. Tools and Gadgets

6.1.1. Offline Mode

6.1.2. iPhone app version

6.1.3. Geistesblitz (mind flash) widget

6.1.4. Email & SMS Gateways

6.1.5. Compare Editions free version (3 maps) fee based models for individuals and teams

6.2. Use Cases & Templates

6.2.1. Personal Todo List

6.2.2. Vacation Planning

6.2.3. Meeting Minutes

6.2.4. Project Plan

6.2.5. more...

6.3. Key shortcuts

6.3.1. INS to insert (Windows)

6.3.2. TAB to insert (Mac OS)

6.3.3. ENTER to add siblings

6.3.4. DEL to delete

6.3.5. All key shortcuts

6.4. Online Help

7. Etherpad

7.1. free

7.2. public

7.3. invite

7.4. wiki plus chat


8. Writeboard

8.1. baylorlibaries

9. Collabedit

10. Hiveminder

10.1. example of collaborative use

11. Google Docs

11.1. create docs, spreadsheets, presentations, forms

11.2. upload/share any kind of files

11.2.1. invite, email link, publish as website, send as attachment