Myst theme

Stories set in imaginary worlds Nat Literacy New Primary Framework Unit 2B Fiction Years 3/4

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Myst theme by Mind Map: Myst theme

1. Literacy

1.1. Recognise & use descriptive language to describe feelings.

1.1.1. Look at captures of Myst and Samarost, describe the setting. How does the music and imagery invoke feeling? Describe the atmosphere.

1.2. Recognise & use descriptive similes to evoke images.

1.2.1. Watch the Tim Rylands / my own vidoes of Myst in the classroom, what type of language is been used by the children. List the descriptions. Describe Myst settings - build descriptive langauge banks, Extra Myst videos

1.3. Identify and generate synonyms.

1.3.1. What is a synonym? Use examples from Myst game play to help. Create our own. Build into descriptive writing. Describe a setting in Myst.

1.4. Plan own writing based on descriptions read.

1.4.1. Using gameplay so far and image captures children use Wordle to build a word wall of descriptive writing

1.5. Produce own descriptive writing.

1.5.1. Using gameplay so far and image captures children create their own descriptive writing to describe the setting - feelings, sounds, atmosphere, textures

1.6. Act out a story, paying attention to character & feelings.

1.6.1. Children create a spoken narrative for recording and rehearse performance

1.7. Act out and plan own version of story.

1.7.1. Children working in small groups perform their setting descriptions

1.8. Plan and start to write own version of story set in a fantasy world.

1.8.1. Read extracts from The Silver Chair and The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Discuss descriptive language used and present in a Wordle.

1.9. Plan an adventure in a fantasy world

1.9.1. Using previous Myst descriptive writing work, wordles, children plan their own adventure story

1.10. Develop descriptive vocabulary for the story. Write the story.

1.10.1. Children write their fantasy adventure stories

2. Myst extras

2.1. PrimaryPad