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Family by Mind Map: Family

1. Government

1.1. Family services

1.2. Serve the People

1.3. Accountable/Transparent

1.4. For the People

1.5. Fulfill Promises

1.6. Facilities/Infrastructure

1.7. Assistance

1.8. Welfare

2. Work

2.1. Availability

2.2. Equal Opportunity

2.3. Training

2.4. No Discrimination

3. Education

4. Law

5. Generations

6. Money

6.1. Access to

6.2. Opportunity to Create Adequate Funds

6.3. Misuse/Abuse of Money

6.4. Basic Necessities

6.4.1. Food Shelter Clothing

6.5. Priorites

7. Relationships

7.1. Honest

7.2. Caring

7.3. Nurturing

8. Family

8.1. Love

8.2. Respect

8.3. Values

8.4. Forgiveness

8.5. Parenting

8.5.1. Mentoring

9. Traditions

9.1. values/belief

9.2. Religion