Portable devices: processors and operating systems

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Portable devices: processors and operating systems by Mind Map: Portable devices: processors and operating systems

1. Carriers, 3G, 4G

2. Notebooks

2.1. dual core

2.2. Nvidia's Optimus Transforms the Laptop PC

2.2.1. http://www.hardwarecentral.com/hardwarecentral/reports/article.php/3872281

2.2.2. New node

3. Nexus One

3.1. Kenya Morales

3.2. Wendy Cardenas

4. Cell Phones

4.1. Iphone

4.2. vs.

4.3. Droid

5. New node

6. Smartphones

6.1. http://www.ehow.com/about_6197600_smartphone-information.html

6.2. OS

6.2.1. Linux Linux OS supports more processors than any other operating system on the market http://communication.howstuffworks.com/smartphone2.htm

6.2.2. Google Android

6.2.3. iPhone OS

6.2.4. Symbian (non-US)

6.2.5. Windows Mobile

6.2.6. Web OS

6.2.7. RIM Blackberry

6.3. http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2360152,00.asp

6.4. Processors

6.4.1. ARMS Nearly every smartphone on the market contains an application processor based on processor cores from ARM. (ARM says 2.5 billion chips with ARM cores shipped last year, and the typical phone has at least two.) ARM doesn't make chips itself; instead, it creates intellectual property in the form of designed-for-processor cores, graphics, and memory connections. http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2360152,00.asp

6.4.2. Moorestown

6.4.3. SnapDragon

6.4.4. Nvidia's Tegra

6.5. Smartphone screen

6.5.1. http://www.pocketables.net/2010/04/smartphone-screen-showdown-htc-hd2-vs-nexus-one-vs-iphone-3gs-vs-nokia-n900.html

7. Netbook

7.1. Processors

7.1.1. Intel's Atom The Intel Atom N450 is the newest processor available. http://www.netbookreviews.com/netbook-comparison/

7.1.2. ARMS

7.2. OS

7.2.1. Windows 7

7.2.2. Linux

7.2.3. Chromium

7.2.4. Android

7.3. Netbook vs iPad Saphaire

7.3.1. Netbook New node

7.3.2. iPad New node