The programs i used in technology applications 2009-2010


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The programs i used in technology applications 2009-2010 by Mind Map: The programs i used in technology applications 2009-2010

1. M.S.Word

1.1. In this program you can create documents using pictures words ect.

2. Word It Out

2.1. W used word it out to make a word cloud...

3. Wall Wisher

3.1. We used wallwisher to chat with class mates & important topics

4. animoto

4.1. We used aniomoto to create easter & mothers day videos.

5. best animations

5.1. we used best animations to get animations for our projects.

6. Moodle

6.1. We used the moodle to check our assigments & grades!

7. Jam studio

7.1. We used jam studio to create music online.

8. mind meister

8.1. We used mind meister to create mind maps.

9. New node

10. M.S.Powerpoint

10.1. In this program to make a presentation or something.

11. Cool Text

11.1. We used this website to make words look really cool.

12. Morph thing

12.1. We used morphthing to morph faces.

13. New node