Sustainable Festivals

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Sustainable Festivals by Mind Map: Sustainable Festivals

1. Event Tactics

1.1. Energy

1.1.1. Bio-diesel

1.1.2. Solar power

1.2. Waste Management

1.2.1. Composting

1.2.2. Recycling

1.2.3. Refill stations

1.3. Transportation

1.3.1. Offset emissions

1.3.2. Reduce

1.4. Materials

1.4.1. Recycle

1.4.2. Biodegradible

1.5. Source -

1.6. Siegle, Lucy. “2008 Festivals guide: Fields of green..."

2. Guest Tactics

2.1. Transportation

2.2. Products

2.3. Shepard, Anna. "It's not easy being green"

3. Roots

3.1. Live Earth 2007


3.2. Major Festivals

3.2.1. Personal Experience - Rothbury

3.3. Other Events

4. Festival Footprint

4.1. Waste

4.2. Environment

4.3. Co2 Emissions

4.4. Need Source