Types of community-like events (using microblogging)

These events use a variety / combination of technologies (digital, social media) and several formats (e.g., (un)keynotes, multi / poster sessions, workshops, social events)

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Types of community-like events (using microblogging) by Mind Map: Types of community-like events (using microblogging)

1. Formal dimension

1.1. Instructor-led learning activities

1.2. Lectures

1.3. Seminars

1.4. Courses

1.5. Workshops

2. Online (video) demonstrations

3. Live panels

4. Debates

5. Informal dimension

5.1. Festivals

5.2. Educational Camps

5.3. Summer Schools

5.4. Philantropy events

6. Chats

7. conferences

7.1. (un)conferences

7.2. virtual / online

7.3. web-conference

7.4. tele-conference

8. webinars / workshops

9. Extreme events

9.1. natural disasters

9.2. crisis

9.3. political / economical nature

10. Real life meetings