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scala by Mind Map: scala

1. operator overloading

1.1. operator is method

2. nest package

3. access modifer

3.1. protected

3.1.1. derived class only,only own type

3.2. additional parameter

3.2.1. private[AccessQualifier]

3.2.2. protected[this]

4. type inference

4.1. compile time

4.2. Any<->Nothing

4.3. Option:getOrElse

4.4. "=" or void method

4.5. _* in parameter

4.6. covariance/contravariance

4.6.1. <: upper bound

4.6.2. >: lower bound

4.6.3. List[+T]

4.6.4. List[-T]

5. implicit type

5.1. Predef

5.2. at most one

6. for

6.1. for([pattern<-generator;definition*]+;filter*) [yield] expression

7. match

7.1. List(1,2,else@_*)...print(else)...

7.2. pattern variables-> lowerCase;Contants->upperCase

7.3. case class

7.3.1. sealed

7.3.2. match(some:Any)...case_

7.4. extractor

7.4.1. unapply() return sth. named as parameters vs. apply();oppsite

7.4.2. symbol @ extractor()

7.5. reg ex

7.5.1. is extractor auto

7.5.2. get Or check

8. Structural Typing

8.1. "type"

8.2. type Bloggable = { def toHtml(): HtmlFragment }

9. import

9.1. import Top.{B => _, C => _, _}

9.2. import Top2.{A => OtherA}

10. == vs. eq()

11. companion class/object

11.1. access private,no boundaries

12. functional

12.1. function value

12.1.1. is obj in scala

12.2. closure

12.3. high order function

12.3.1. take function as parameter

12.4. currying

12.4.1. fun()()()(),fun{}{}{}{}

12.5. positional notation

12.5.1. _

12.5.2. {max( _, _)}

12.5.3. max _

12.5.4. max

13. with traits

13.1. extends abtract class

13.1.1. limit with by type

13.2. super.xx()

13.2.1. <--

14. List

14.1. ::

14.2. :::

14.2.1. faster

15. unary

15.1. def unary_-={}

15.2. +,-,!,~