HHN Partners 42

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HHN Partners 42 by Mind Map: HHN Partners 42

1. U.S. Resident

1.1. Professional

1.2. Fundraisers

1.3. Grant Writers

1.4. Meaning of Partnership

1.4.1. Willingness to collaborate

1.4.2. Willingness/ability to work with Honduran lead on a problem

1.4.3. Willingness to share enough resume information (privately) to identify intresest and suitability for teams

2. Honduran

2.1. Medical

2.2. Technical

2.3. Educational

2.4. Meaning of Partnership

2.4.1. Willingness to collaborate

2.4.2. Once a year article for HHN

2.4.3. Interview with HHN

2.4.4. Acceptance of lead role on voluntarily adopted problems

3. HHN Roles

3.1. Facilitate Networking

3.1.1. Knowlegebase

3.1.2. Display ad on HHN website

3.1.3. Assistance in developing/maintaining internet presence

3.1.4. Tools for online collaboration

3.2. Support Partners with Technology

3.3. Facilitate/Develop Funding

3.4. Develop/Maintain Knowledge Base

3.4.1. Experience database

3.4.2. Confidential Partner Resumes