Alberta Social Studies POS - Front Matter

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Alberta Social Studies POS - Front Matter by Mind Map: Alberta Social Studies POS - Front Matter

1. Citizenship

1.1. Pluralistic

1.2. Billingual

1.3. Multicultural

1.4. Inclusive

1.5. Democratic

1.6. Rights and responsibilities

2. Identity

2.1. Collective

2.2. Culture

2.3. Language

2.4. Environment

2.5. Gender

2.6. Ideology

2.7. Religion

2.8. Spiritually

2.9. Philosophy

3. Role of Social Studies

3.1. Knowledge and Understanding

3.2. Value diversity

3.3. Honor traditions

3.4. Skills and Processes

3.5. Aboriginal and Francophone perspectives

3.6. Demonstrate global consciousness

3.7. Demonstrate social compassion, fairness, and justice

4. Skills and Processes

4.1. Active Inquiry

4.2. Creative and Critical thinking

4.3. Problem Solving

5. Vision (K-12)

5.1. Sense of self and community

5.2. Sense of belonging and acceptance

5.3. Key values, attitudes, knowledge, understanding and skills

5.4. Who they are

5.5. What they want to become in the society they want to live in

6. 21st Century Learner

6.1. Honor and value traditions

6.2. Rights and responsibilities

6.3. Controversial issues

6.4. Critical and creative thinking

6.5. Metacognition

6.6. Informed and responsible citizens

6.7. Democratic society

7. Interdisciplinary

7.1. History

7.2. Geography

7.3. Ecology

7.4. Economics

7.5. Law

7.6. Philosophy

7.7. Political

7.8. Science