The Medical Informatics Wheel

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The Medical Informatics Wheel by Mind Map: The Medical Informatics Wheel

1. HCO Operations

1.1. Clinical

1.1.1. Physicians Family Spouse Children

1.1.2. Nursing

1.1.3. Ancillary Clinical Staff

1.2. Non-Clinical

1.2.1. Patient Access

1.2.2. HIRS

1.2.3. Biomed

1.2.4. Administrators

1.2.5. Legal

1.2.6. Facilities

1.2.7. HR (recruiting, other)

1.2.8. Finance

2. Technical

2.1. Information Systems

2.2. Vendor

3. Research

4. Patients and Family

4.1. Patients

5. External

5.1. Regulatory Bodies

5.1.1. TJC

5.1.2. CMS

5.1.3. DPH

5.2. Public Health

5.3. SNFs

5.4. Home Health

5.5. Government