Creating Classroom Writing Communities

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Creating Classroom Writing Communities by Mind Map: Creating Classroom Writing Communities

1. Benefits

1.1. Share what you think, believe or know.

1.1.1. Easier to write

1.2. Real writing for real reasons, real audiences

1.3. Authentic writing experiences.

1.4. Students become more proficient, confident writers.

1.5. Meaningful reasons to write

1.6. Learns to write without using "thought," but at the same time becoming specific.

1.7. Builds relationships within the classroom

1.8. Sense of accomplishment that students feel by producing and sharing writing.

1.9. Students reassess/reevaluate themselves, and their writing

2. Implementation

2.1. Begin writing as soon as possible

2.2. Foster a safe, respectful learning community

2.2.1. Sit in desks with students. Students become more comfortable with you

2.2.2. Rituals, routines (Monday meetings) Agendas Goals

2.2.3. Sharing ideas about yourself, or your life (teachers AND students) Students are more willing to share Creates relationships, humanizes teachers Opens the floor to discussion and response

2.3. Write with students

2.4. Share a sentence

2.4.1. Increases democracy within the classroom.

2.5. Un-intimidate the process