Eastern Tiger Salamander

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Eastern Tiger Salamander by Mind Map: Eastern Tiger Salamander

1. Ecosystem

1.1. Habitat

1.1.1. Decidous Forest

1.1.2. Damp Meadows

1.1.3. Woodlands

1.2. Threats

1.2.1. Water Pollution

1.2.2. Disease

1.2.3. Fish Stocking of Lakes

1.3. Action Plan

1.3.1. Stop destroying the animal's habitat

1.3.2. Stop Human Persecution

1.3.3. Stop Pollution

1.4. Map

1.4.1. http://www.rom.on.ca/ontario/images/risk/maps/on-amti.gif

1.5. Ontario Status Extirpated

2. Biology

2.1. Breeds in bottom of lake

2.2. Carnivore

2.3. Live in burrows 2 feet under surface

2.4. Lay 100-1000 eggs per season but eggs get eaten from pretadors

2.5. Hibernation During Winter

2.6. Photo:http://biodiversity.wku.edu/salamanders/Salamander_Images/Eastern_Tiger_Salamander.jpg