Term 2

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Term 2 by Mind Map: Term 2

1. Reading

1.1. Questioning

1.1.1. Thick and thin

1.2. Summarising

1.2.1. Note taking

1.2.2. Not recounting everything

1.3. Connections

1.3.1. Text to text

1.3.2. Text to self

1.3.3. Text to world

1.4. Character analysis

1.4.1. Recognising emotions

1.4.2. Understanding how the author positions the reader

2. Personal Learning

2.1. Teamwork

2.2. Transitions

2.3. Assisting others with their learning

3. Maths

3.1. Multiplication

3.1.1. Repeated addition

3.1.2. Factors and products

3.1.3. 3 for free

3.2. Addition and Subtraction

3.2.1. Compensation

3.2.2. Jump

3.2.3. Split

3.3. Angles

3.3.1. Names of angles

3.3.2. degrees

3.3.3. Estimating size

3.4. Maps and Location

3.4.1. compass points

3.4.2. Birds eye view

3.4.3. Using grids

3.4.4. Axis (x,Y)

3.5. Shapes and Transformations

3.5.1. Symmetry

3.5.2. Reflections, Translations, Rotations

3.5.3. Nets

4. Writing

4.1. Public Speaking

4.1.1. Pace

4.1.2. Tone

4.1.3. Body Language

4.2. Persuasive

4.2.1. Description

4.2.2. Conclusion

4.2.3. Introduction

4.2.4. Evidence and Reasons

4.2.5. Not using 'I'

4.2.6. Paragraphs

4.3. Grammar

4.3.1. Prefixes

4.3.2. Apostrophes