9 Ways to Streamline the Start-Up Process

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9 Ways to Streamline the Start-Up Process by Mind Map: 9 Ways to Streamline the Start-Up Process

1. Go where others ARE, not where others AREN’T

2. Know when NOT to pursue something

3. Automate as much as you can

4. Delegate and outsource as much as you can

4.1. leave the technical work to the specialists

5. Invest as much as you can AFFORD

6. Do market research as early as possible

6.1. Questions

6.1.1. If your idea will be profitable

6.1.2. What your customers want

6.1.3. What your customers don’t want

6.1.4. What marketing causes your customers to buy

6.1.5. Where and how your competitors are advertising

6.1.6. What advertising probably doesn’t work

7. Take note as to what your competitors

8. Brainstorm ways to SELL your product

8.1. list of possible ways to sell your product

8.2. explore new ways of advertising.

8.3. list of different marketing ideas

9. ALWAYS look for opportunity