Can rocks be dissolved by anything besides acid?

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Can rocks be dissolved by anything besides acid? by Mind Map: Can rocks be dissolved by anything besides acid?

1. Is water acidic or alkaline?

1.1. Does adding salt to water makes the mixture more acidic?

1.2. Does adding other chemicals make the water more acidic or alkali?

1.3. Does adding salt make the mixture more alkali?

2. What is the difference between concentrated acid and dilute acid?

2.1. What are they used for?

2.2. Do they have the same reactivity?

3. How does alkali feel like?

3.1. Is it slippery?

3.2. Is it soapy?

4. Does alkali produce any gases when it reacts with a metal?

4.1. Is the gas poisonous?

4.2. Does it produce anything besides a gas?

4.3. Is there more than 1 type of gas produced?

4.4. Is there only 1 type of gas produced?

5. Can you neutralise acids?

5.1. How can you neutralise acids?

5.2. Is there any chemicals processes occurring when the acid is being neutralised?

6. Does acids produce any gases when it reacts with carbonates?

6.1. Is the gas poisonous?

6.2. Is there more than one types of gas produced?

6.3. Is there only 1 type of gas produced?

6.4. Is there any new substances produced besides gases?

7. Is alkali substances able to dissolve rocks?

7.1. Will it break the substances down into simpler substances?

7.2. What happens to the alkali substance when it reacts with another alkali substances?

8. How are rocks broken down?

8.1. Can they be broken down in to simpler subtances without any chemical means?

8.1.1. How can they be broken down into simpler substances without chemecal means?

9. How does acids feel like?

9.1. Is it slippery?

9.2. Is it soapy?

10. Does acids produce any gases when it reacts with a metal?

10.1. Is the gas poisonous?

10.2. Does it produce anything else besides gas?

10.3. Does it produce more than 1 type of gas?

10.4. Does it only produce only 1 type of gas produced?

11. Can you neutralise alkalis?

11.1. How can you neutralise alkalis?

11.2. Is there any chemical processes occurring when the alkali is being neutralised?

12. Does alkalis produce any gases when it reacts with carbonates?

12.1. Is the gas produced poisonous?

12.2. Is there only one type of gas produced?

12.3. Is there more than 1 type of gas produced?

12.4. Is there any new substances produced besides gases?