Taxonomizing knowledge through Wikipedia

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Taxonomizing knowledge through Wikipedia by Mind Map: Taxonomizing knowledge through Wikipedia

1. Knowledge engineering

1.1. Knowledge representation

2. Knowledge representation

2.1. A

2.1.1. Argument mapping

2.2. C

2.2.1. Classification systems

2.3. G

2.3.1. Grouping

2.4. K

2.4.1. Knowledge bases

2.4.2. Knowledge discovery in databases

2.4.3. Knowledge representation languages

2.5. M

2.5.1. Mereology

2.5.2. Micromorfats

2.5.3. Minimum Information Standards

2.5.4. Multi-agent systems

2.6. O

2.6.1. Ontology (information science)

2.7. S

2.7.1. Semantic desktop

2.7.2. Semantic Web

2.7.3. Strategy

2.8. T

2.8.1. Taxonomy

3. Taxonomy

3.1. C

3.1.1. Controversial taxa

3.2. F

3.2.1. Folksonomy

3.3. G

3.3.1. Georagphic taxonomies

3.4. O

3.4.1. Taxonomy organizations

3.5. P

3.5.1. Plant taxonomy

3.6. S

3.6.1. Scientific classification

3.7. T

3.7.1. Taxon authorities

3.7.2. Taxonomic categories

3.7.3. Taxonomists

3.7.4. Taxonomy disambiguation pages

4. Main subcategories

4.1. A

4.1.1. Academia

4.1.2. Applied disciplines

4.2. B

4.2.1. Bodies of knowledge

4.3. C

4.3.1. Consulting

4.4. D

4.4.1. Knowledge deities

4.5. E

4.5.1. Education

4.5.2. Knowledge engineering

4.5.3. Epistemology error

4.6. I

4.6.1. Indexes

4.6.2. Inductive reasoning

4.6.3. Information, knowledge, and uncertainty

4.7. K

4.7.1. Knowledge sharing

4.7.2. Kowledge-oriented systems

4.8. L

4.8.1. Literacy

4.9. M

4.9.1. Knowledge management

4.9.2. Mysteries

4.10. P

4.10.1. Procedural knowledge

4.11. R

4.11.1. Reference

4.11.2. Rules of thumb

4.12. S

4.12.1. Scholars

4.12.2. Science

4.12.3. Skills

4.12.4. Sources of knowledge

4.13. T

4.13.1. Terminology

4.13.2. Trivia