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1. 1)Ferdinand is separated from his royal father Alonso and retinue. 2) The royal party is separated from their ship and crew. 3) Prosper is separated from Milan.

2. Polixenes' son, Florizel, disguises himself as a commoner to court and marry Perdita (and then later a peddlar). Polixenes then disguises *himself* to confront and question Polixenes about his courting. Finally, Autolycus disguises himself as a peddler (Act 4).

3. Chorus

3.1. A personified figure of Time acts as Chorus, shuffling us ahead 16 years in the play's time (Act 4).

4. Separation

5. The Tempest

5.1. Chorus

5.1.1. Prospero is by no means a conventional chorus, but we still think he counts. Of particular note is the epilogue, wherein Prospero addresses the audience directly.

5.2. Exotic Locales/Fauna

5.2.1. The island (unknown, uncharted, and supernatural) is certainly exotic. Spirits, Caliban, Sycorax, Setebos-- certainly not an English isle!

5.3. Miraculous Reversal

5.3.1. One could claim the whole play to be a miraculous reversal: Prospero's restoration and the forgiving of Alonso and Antonio.

5.4. Nostalgia

5.4.1. Prospero's nostalgia for times past, and particularly the dukedom he's lost, is noteworthy. Especially because he seems largely uninterested in his dukedom but very interested in his peculiar brand of "revenge."

5.5. Shipwreck

5.5.1. The play opens with a tempest, orchestrated by Prospero, that splays Alonso's royal party upon the island. While not a shipwreck, Prospero and Miranda have also arrived on the island after being lost at sea.

5.6. Supernatural

5.6.1. Prospero's many airy spirits and magical control over others is a prime supernatural display.

6. Pericles

7. Cymbeline

8. The Winter's Tale

9. The Winter's Tale

9.1. Disguise

9.2. Disunity of Time & Place

9.2.1. We move from Sicilia to Bohemia and back again and span over 16 years of time.

9.3. Exotic Locales/Fauna

9.3.1. The land of Bohemia, which has, very exotically, become an island. Also the land of Sicilia, which stands in contrast to the worlds of the English audience. We also meet a bear in Act 3. A bear!

9.4. Miraculous Reversal

9.4.1. The statue of Hermione coming to life. Also, Perdita's discovery and restoration to the royal class. Finally, the play's overall shift from overt tragedy to blissful comedy.

9.5. Nostalgia

9.5.1. After the sixteen years have elapsed, Leontes expresses nostalgia for his lost relationships with Hermione and Polixenes. Also, Camillo carries a deep nostaligia for his homeland of Sicilia, after being self-exiled to Bohemia for 16 years.

9.6. Posion

9.6.1. Leontes asks Camillo to poison Polixenes, but Camillo refuses (Act 1).

9.7. Separation

9.7.1. Two noteworthy separations: that of Leontes and Hermoine, and also that of Leontes and Perdita (both separations lasting 16 years).

9.8. Shipwreck

9.8.1. Antigonus, carrying the baby Perdita away from Sicilia on Leontes' orders, suffers a shipwreck and ends up on the "island" of Bohemia (Act 3).

9.9. Supernatural

9.9.1. An oracle who predicts Leontes' downfall and eventual redemption (Act 2). The "transformation" of the statue into the living, breathing Hermione (Act 5).

9.10. Wife Test

9.10.1. Leontes tests Hermione's faithfulness in the garden through his man Camillo (Act 1). Additionally, Paulina's testing of Leontes at the play's conclusion could be seen as a form of a "husband test" (Act 5).

10. The Tempest

11. Cymbeline

12. Pericles

13. In Act 2, Pericles finds his armor – rusted through – and tells the fishermen that it was his father's and is part of his heritage.

14. Cymbeline

14.1. Disguise

14.1.1. Posthumus disguised as British peasant and then a Roman soldier; Imogen disguised as a boy; Guidarious & Arvirgarus unwittingly disguised as cave-dwellers.

14.2. Disunity of Time & Place

14.2.1. From Britain to Rome and back again, the play makes the stage represent a whole bunch of different places.

14.3. Exotic Locales/Fauna

14.3.1. See above ^^^

14.4. Miraculous Reversal

14.4.1. The disguised Imogen awaking from her apparent "death"; the reveal of Guidarious & Arvirgarus' royal heritage.

14.5. Nostalgia

14.5.1. The play itself stands as a representation of Britain's nostalgia for its historic past, beaming with national pride. They beat the Romans!

14.6. Poison

14.6.1. Queen orders Cornelius to make poison for innocent purposes, but Cornelius is suspicious, so he gives her a sleeping potion that reflects death; we learn Queen wants to give it to Pisanio, so she can convince Imogen to marry Cloten.

14.7. Quest

14.7.1. The war between Britain and Rome serves as a quest for Britain's independence.

14.8. Separation

14.8.1. Two major separations: Posthumus from his lover, Imogen, and Cymbeline from his lost sons Guidarious & Arvirgarus.

14.9. Supernatural

14.9.1. Spirits of his dead ancestors surround Posthumus and plead with Jupiter to restore his fortunes; Jupiter himself appears on an eagle, with thunder and lightning, and agrees to bring Posthumus happiness.

14.10. Wager

14.10.1. Iachimo takes on challenge of seducing Innogen (Posthumus says she is invulnerable)- if Iachimo wins, he gets ring; if Posthumus wins, he gets 10,000 ducats.

14.11. Wife Test

14.11.1. Iachimo's wager with Posthumus serves as a test of Imogen's faithfulness.

15. Pericles

15.1. Chorus

15.1.1. English poet John Gower (1327? – 1408) most famous for Confessio Amantis. He is also seen as a resurrected figure.

15.2. Disguise

15.2.1. Thaisa is disguised as a priestess of Diana in Act 3, Marina is disguised as a prostitute in Myteline in Act 4, and Pericles is disguised as an unkempt sailor in Mytelin in Act 5.

15.3. Disunity of Time & Place

15.3.1. Aside from skipping all over Asia Minor and action that spans days the most obvious disunity occurs in Act 4 when Gower says, “Now to Marina bend tour mind,/ Whom our fast-growing scene must find…” (Act 4.0).

15.4. Exotic Locales/Fauna

15.4.1. Asia Minor (Antioch, Tyre, Tarsus, Pentapolis, Myteline on Lesbos, Ephesus)

15.5. Miraculous Reversal

15.5.1. In Act 3, Thaisa is presumed to be dead after giving birth and her body, in a casket, is thrown over board. She is found and revived by Cerimon.

15.6. Nostalgia

15.7. Quest

15.7.1. The first quest is to Antioch to win Antiochus' daughter by solving a riddle (Act 1). The second quest is to Ephesus (Act 5).

15.8. Separation

15.8.1. Pericles is separated from Helicanus in Act 1, Pericles is separated from his wife, Thaisa, in Act 3, Thaisa is separated from her daughter in Act 3, and Thaisa is separated from her father, King Simonedes.

15.9. Shipwreck

15.9.1. Going to Pentapolis (Act II) and leaving Pentapolis (Act III).

15.10. Supernatural

15.10.1. The appearance of Diana to Pericles in Act V in a dream, telling him to go to her temple in Ephesus where he meets up with his wife.

15.11. Wager

15.11.1. Antiochus' wager to all of his daughter's suitors: solve the riddle or end up with your head piked to a wall.

15.12. Wife Test

15.12.1. Though not staged as a test, Thaisa's choice to join a convent is a display of dedication to her husband that we would see in traditional wife test. In addition, we see a bit of a husband test in Act 2, scene 2, with the parade of shields and a Tournament.

16. The Tempest

17. The Winter's Tale

18. Pericles

19. Cymbeline

20. The Tempest

21. The Winter's Tale

22. Shipwreck

22.1. Pericles

22.2. The Winter's Tale

22.3. The Tempest

22.4. Twelfth Night

22.5. The Comedy of Errors

22.6. The Merchant of Venice

22.7. Othello

23. Supernatural

23.1. The Tempest

23.2. The Winter's Tale

23.3. Pericles

23.4. Cymbeline

23.5. Hamlet

23.6. Macbeth

23.7. A Midsummer Night's Dream

23.8. Richard III