03/09 - Thinking about Creativity

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03/09 - Thinking about Creativity by Mind Map: 03/09 - Thinking about Creativity

1. Creativity

1.1. Having Ideas

1.2. Developing understandings

1.3. Decline of creativity

1.3.1. 3-5 -98%

1.3.2. 25+ - 2%

1.4. Creativity is seen as a social phenomenon

2. YouTube - RSA Animate - Changing Education Paradigms

2.1. Sir Ken Robinson

3. Definitions

3.1. Creativity

3.1.1. The process of developing ideas that are of value

3.2. Innovation

3.2.1. The process of initiating ideas

4. The Right Questions

4.1. How creative are you?

4.1.1. How are you creative?

4.2. How intelligent are you?

4.2.1. How are you intelligent are you?

5. TT

5.1. Frame questions so they are open

6. JOURNAL - Thinking About Creativity