Whoever I Am... My brain needs to develop everyday... I need to read for 1 hour everyday... and t...

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Whoever I Am... My brain needs to develop everyday... I need to read for 1 hour everyday... and take notes ? by Mind Map: Whoever I Am... My brain needs to develop everyday... I need to read for 1 hour everyday... and take notes ?

1. I am Evolution

1.1. No Limit to Plasticity of my Brain

1.2. Knowledge Replacing Opinion

1.3. My Brain Learns Everyday

2. My Dark Side

2.1. Procrastination ?

2.2. Lies and Self-Lies ?

2.3. Making-up-stories ?

3. Why did I find myself on the Wrong Track ?

3.1. Cause Traumas and Absence of Learning in Early Years Affected the Architecture of my Brain

3.2. Cause my Parents were not Trained to help Me Building and Taking Care of my Brain

4. Duties of Parents

4.1. 1. Early Serve and Return (Eye Contact, Caressing, and Smiling)

4.2. 2. Presence and Tenderness when I am Stressed learning new ideas or meeting new people.

4.3. 3. Help Me Developing My Social Skills

4.4. 4. Help Me Controlling My Basic Emotions

4.5. 5. Executive Functions :Paying attention, Learning Language, Share Toys, Follow Rules, Build Disciplines, Learn ABC - 123, Play, Discovering People and the Environment, Wash, Keep Me away from Temptations...

4.6. 6. Taking into Consideration My Works of Creativity and Imagination

4.7. 7. Build a Safe, Calm and Peaceful Environment (No TV, No Loud Music, No Portable Telepnone and No Fighting)

4.8. 8. Taking Care of my Health and Nutrition Needs

5. I am the results of my parent's parenting incompetencies and lack of care

6. In case of stress of the Pregnant Mother : Cortisol and Adrenaline could damage the baby's brain before birth. We are the Result of the environment around our Pregnant Mother.

7. Condition for a Perfect Construction of our Brain before we were born : Safe and Joyful Environment

8. If not Guided, a Brain Develops its Biological Wiring on its own, and Captures information from the Surrounding Environment : the case of neglected children and incompetent mothers...

9. Imitation of Heroes

10. Between 8th and 11th month of life : we Recognise the sound of Words

11. Normal Building of Mindset or The Wiring of the Brain needs Serve and Return, then through connecting, talking and singing and talking, talking...

11.1. Studies

11.2. Books to increase Vocabulary

11.3. Conversation to use Vocabulary

11.4. Events

11.5. Storytelling

11.6. Experiences

11.7. Music and Singing Songs

12. We are Biology

12.1. Hormones in Emotions

12.1.1. Adrenaline

12.1.2. Cortisol

12.1.3. Dopamine

12.1.4. Serotonine

12.2. Genetics

12.3. Epigenetics

12.4. Energy

13. La 4ème Flèche - On strict condition that Mother has lived her Pregnancy in a Peaceful and Joyful Environment

13.1. At 1 ? Brain busy wiring the spoken language

13.2. At 2 ? Brain busy learning about the immediate environment, if guided

13.3. At 3 ? Brain busy learning language, if guided. More brain activity than an adult

13.4. At 6 ? Brain busy learning reading books if guided. Brain pruning unused activities

13.5. At 9 ? Brain busy socialising if guided. Brain pruning unused activities. Difficulty to learn a second language.

13.6. At 12 ? Brain wrestling with emotions and needs guidance. Brain pruned.

13.7. At 18 ? Brain taking decisions about studies or profession or/and enjoying life with friends

13.8. At 25 ? Brain taking decisions about lifestyle

13.9. At 30 ? Brain fully developed and taking decisions about family life, profession, and raising children.

13.10. To-day Jan 26/21 ? Brain can take decisions to change lifestyle or profession...

14. Building My Personnality ?

14.1. Values ?

14.1.1. Achievements ?

14.2. Get rid of Toxic Behaviours ?

14.3. Understand my Fears ?

14.4. Take control of my Inhibitions ?

15. So, I am my level of language and vocabulary, as I had nobody talking to me during the first five years of my life...