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CasimirPulaski by Mind Map: CasimirPulaski

1. Family

1.1. Gabe

1.2. Nate

1.3. Dad

1.4. Mom

2. Hobbies

2.1. Paintball

2.2. Soccer

2.3. Golf

2.4. Running

3. Pet Peeves

3.1. Eating with mouth open

3.2. People coughing on me

3.3. People shouting in my ear

4. Goals

4.1. College

4.2. Be a laywer

4.3. Have a luxury car

5. Friends

5.1. Anna O'Marah

5.2. Noah Pierce

5.3. Kyra White

5.4. RJ Prey

5.5. Jamie Vowell

5.6. Geovani Ruiz

5.7. Caleb Sweeting

5.8. Makayla Phillips

5.9. CJ Kellogg

5.10. Chase Menke

5.11. Etc.

6. Pets

6.1. Big Brown

6.2. Carla

6.3. Dandy

6.4. Frankie

6.5. Cally

6.6. Casper

6.7. Jack

6.8. Jill

6.9. Tiger