David's Strategic Focus

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David's Strategic Focus by Mind Map: David's Strategic Focus

1. Ensure the companies I work for have information faster than the competition

2. Increasing revenues; reducing costs; increasing profitability

3. Implementable Suggestions

4. Active Listening

5. Projects are for decision makers

5.1. Healing

5.1.1. Clearing Energy Blockages

5.2. Information Flow

5.2.1. Business Alignment

5.2.2. Cascading Vertically Horizontally

5.3. Requirements Analysis

5.4. Optimising Oracle Queries

5.5. Going Green

5.6. Becoming Carbon Negative

5.7. How to do this? email me

6. Working with everyone in an organisation

6.1. I talk their language

7. Turn data into information

7.1. InfoQuest

8. 100% Every Day I expect it and I give it