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Java Links by Mind Map: Java Links

1. Value Objects

1.1. Immutables

1.2. AutoValue

2. Command Line Parser

2.1. Piccoli

2.2. Apache Commons CLI

2.3. args4j

2.4. JArgs

2.5. JOptSimple

2.6. JewelCLI

3. Hot Code Replacement

3.1. HotSwapAgent

3.2. JRebel

4. Object Relational Mapping

4.1. Hibernate ORM

4.2. EclipseLink

4.3. Speedment (Streaming ORM)

5. Migration to Java 11

5.1. Moditect

5.2. Stephen Colebourne

5.2.1. JPMS modules for lib devs - Negative benefits

5.2.2. From Java 8 to Java 11

5.2.3. NoClassDefFoundError for JPMS modules with "require static"

5.2.4. Maven Surefire: <useModulePath>

5.3. Setting the Java Version in Maven


5.4.1. Java 11 Migration Guide

5.4.2. Java 9 Migration Guide

5.4.3. Maven on Java 9

5.4.4. Making JSR 305 Work On Java 9

6. Embedded Browser

6.1. JCEF

6.2. JxBrowser

6.3. JavaFX WebView

7. HTML Parser

7.1. JSoup

7.2. Lagarto/Jerry

7.3. HTMLCleaner

8. JavaFX

8.1. Graph

8.1.1. JavaFXSmartGraph

8.1.2. FXGraph

8.1.3. JGraphT Introduction

8.2. VWorkflows

8.3. Oracle overview 3rd party tools

8.4. Controls

8.4.1. DataFX

8.4.2. JFXtras

8.4.3. GMapsFX

8.4.4. ControlsFX

8.5. NEWS

8.5.1. JFXCentral

9. Fake Data

9.1. DataFaker