Assessing the value of physical and virtual spaces in enriching learning.

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Assessing the value of physical and virtual spaces in enriching learning. by Mind Map: Assessing the value of physical and virtual spaces in enriching learning.

1. Can we facilitate learning in virtual spaces?

1.1. visual and virtual learning and how they interact

1.2. add value to traditional pedagogical models

1.3. Consider new Pedagogical models?

1.4. makes resources more available

2. Can mobile devices be used for learning?

2.1. handheld voting systems

2.1.1. Interactive Classroom

2.2. Pervasive technology

2.2.1. How can we use this appropriately

2.3. individuals get their first phones at the age of 8

2.3.1. growing up with moblie technology

2.4. BYO device? Pros & cons

2.5. complementary -extra tool in portfolio

2.6. exploratary- out of classroom

2.6.1. context of learning

2.7. on the go learning

2.8. Pollock's Toy Theatre

2.8.1. Creating plays their own plays recording them and playing them back



2.9. Ko-Su

2.9.1. simple interface

2.9.2. invite other people into your classroom

2.9.3. create activities for them to complete Use it to create quick tests They are able to complete them in their own time

2.9.4. students can be anywhere in the world or in the classroom send the work back to the teacher for feeback

2.9.5. is now availble in an APP


2.10. Design apps - systems/user-centred design principles. evaluation - higher thinking skills, entrepreneurial education

3. Is a games space an environment for learning?

3.1. Learning goes on in the process of making and playing not the end product

3.1.1. Interesting assessment problem - capturing process

3.2. Can gaming scenarios be used for assessment?

3.2.1. How learner tackles a problem, maybe choices made?

3.3. why games

3.3.1. Motivation

3.3.2. children get bored listing to the teacher talki they learn more if their intrested

3.4. innovation putting them in control of their own learning

3.5. working with children on games

3.5.1. develop communication skills collaborating with others and have an audience

3.6. reliant on task set; method of feedback; teacher mediation and motivation

4. Social networking: To ban, or not to ban?

4.1. most schools disagree with social media

4.1.1. cybar bullying is a one of the reasons for this Bullying is about people. Technology amplifies behaviour

4.2. 16% of teachers had received insults from parents

4.2.1. to enter this survey you had to elect that you were being abused. data was insecure

4.3. danah boyd

4.4. NYC department of education

4.4.1. begining to devlop social media guidlines

4.5. those that create policy around this have a lot less problems than those that do not

5. Can we socialize in virtual space?

5.1. linksthe world through virtual resources

5.2. New node

6. Can the 'flipped classroom' re-energise education?

6.1. Teacher confidence

6.2. Robust collaborative/communication enabling technology

7. can we make classrooms as a learning space for teachers? Using technology..

7.1. It's a good idea to learn together with your students.

7.1.1. Teachers as learners, learners as teachers

8. Cultural Understanding

8.1. knowledge buliding

8.1.1. lifestyle

8.1.2. flexible

9. technology used for the understanding of child development

9.1. children need to hear to an intelligible level

9.1.1. school spaces for this are poor classroom design is poor Light not good in classrooms either - particularly when screens are involved acoustics are poor and the majoriority of knowledge is gained through audio

9.1.2. 30% of primary school children have a hearing impairment

9.1.3. sound of the voice will only travel about 2meters before it starts to fade only way to overcome getting the teachers voice is video audio technology

10. The Three Cs: Communication, Creativity and Collaboration In education, technology can be used as a way to encourage Communication and enhance the feedback teacher-student-teacher and student-student. Technology supports Creativity - for example, there are a number of Apps that encourage people to make artwork in a way they might not have thought to do. Technology enables wide (global) Collaboration, leads to closer links, broader networking and enhances exchange and development of knowledge and ideas.

11. Why a MirandaMod?

11.1. idea is this reflective space

11.1.1. engage through questions come up with the bigger picture

11.2. callbarative way of learning

12. Looking into space

12.1. sussex -location based sensors in the park

12.1.1. turning a physical space where learning was embedded - most common use

12.2. Do we understand the impact of physical space on learners (and teachers.)?

12.3. Lots of excellent examples, but still limited in number - how do we empower more people/teachers to make use of resources? Will the pupils provide the driver?

12.4. How senses & sense sensitive deign affects learning & behaviours

13. Does the Virtual Flat Classroom unite learners?

13.1. everything is fluid, nothing is stable

13.1.1. similar to work enviroments which students discover after education process

13.2. wider key skills which is part of a continual process that make the project a success

14. Are Twitterers Twits? Virtual life in 140 characters

14.1. Creation of realtime resource networks

14.2. is trap

14.3. a lot of accounts are started and not continued

14.4. BackChannels at conferences

14.5. Amplifer

14.5.1. event that is happening in real space can be expanded

15. Why should academics join online communities

15.1. video confernces with children their age in other countries such as france, germany

15.1.1. allowing those learning languages to speak to those in other countries learn cultures & customs

15.1.2. Cheap solutions such as Skype over projector

15.2. allows you to ask questions and others across the world maybe able to solve the problem you have.

15.3. allows us to have the ability to record knowledge and build on it

15.4. look at medicine resorces

15.4.1. allows you to find information on all health issues

15.5. Communicate with practitioners on a more regular basis and learn from each other - encourages reflective practice as a continual process and can capture emerging and developing understanding

15.6. New node

15.7. Knowledge hub- allows you share content and groups

15.8. requires national organisations to take the initiative

15.8.1. why not in education

15.9. looking at starting a pilot

15.9.1. education work online cost of meetings is zero share information for academics, management, connecting with empolyers resources are there work is significant, enage with others in other countries and avoids criticism of small scale research in education

15.10. Build knowledge pool

16. Need to refer to the Japanese concept of the Knowledge Creating Company (Nonaka) to see how important sharing knowledge within the company to create innovation and change

17. Academics supporting work within schools to help create Learning Communities -action research etc

17.1. Supportive professional dialogue

17.2. critical reflection - learners and teachers

18. "Teaching also improves within a collegial, collaborative envirnment. The power of the collective capacity is that it enables ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary things" - Michael Fullan. Academics should be part of this mix

19. Facilities of learning-John Cuthell

19.1. Important role for teacher/facilitator encompasses monitoring students, ensuring all pupils are engaged

19.2. a combinationofamentorandacoachtodevelopperformance

19.3. element of langauage - simple to use keyboard and screen to type what you are thinking

19.4. buliding a community

19.4.1. envoles getting people to adopt roles Identify who are the supportive individuals in the group

19.5. key point for e-facilitator - students have to do a majority of the work

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