Budget Cuts Close 3 Baltimore City Firehouses

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Budget Cuts Close 3 Baltimore City Firehouses by Mind Map: Budget Cuts Close 3 Baltimore City Firehouses

1. More 9-1-1 Calls For Other Fire Departments

1.1. More calls means less apparatus in the station

1.2. less apparatus also means less personel in the station

1.3. less personel and apparatus in the station means more call will get sent to diffrent station or even counties because they dont have enough recources

2. Late Emergancy Respons Times

2.1. less fire houses mean longer travels for other stations

2.2. longer travels takes more time

2.3. longer response times means the bigger the fire gets and the worse the EMS call gets in that period of time

3. Unemployment

3.1. The budget cuts close 3 baltimore city firehouses witch transfers firefighters

3.2. the budget cuts also layed of many firefighters