Copy of Beaks of Birds

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Copy of Beaks of Birds by Mind Map: Copy of Beaks of Birds

1. Woodpecker

1.1. What kind of beak does the woodpecker have?

1.2. How is the beak useful to the woodpecker?

2. Eagle

2.1. What kind of beak does the eagle have?

2.1.1. Eagles have hooked beaks

2.2. How is the beak useful to the eagle?

2.2.1. The eagle's beak is used to catch prey from land. Other than catching predators, it also can be used to attack other eagles. It is also used for tearing apart their prey. They have no teeth and so cannot chew food. It is also used for tearing apart their prey. They have no teeth and so cannot chew food.

3. The beak is useful to the pelican by catching thier food. (Ryson Sia)

4. Pelican have flat beak.(Ryson Sia)