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EventStorming by Mind Map: EventStorming

1. Links & Resources

1.1. Presentations

1.1.1. Rethinking Enterprise Software

1.1.2. Model Storming

1.1.3. Event-Based Modeling

1.2. Articles

1.2.1. Introducing Event Storming

2. Inspirations

2.1. EventSourcing

2.2. GameStorming

2.3. Domain-Driven Design

2.4. Story Mapping

2.5. Visual Meetings

2.6. Deliberate Discovery

2.7. UML in colors

3. Hot Topics

3.1. Leading a Workshop

4. Model Storming

4.1. Incremental Notation

4.2. Data First, structure later

4.3. Embrace divergence

4.4. Enforce parallelism

5. Modellathlon

5.1. DDDBE

6. Experience Reports

6.1. Facilitating Event Storming

7. Core Ideas

7.1. Unlimited Modeling Space

7.2. Events come first

7.3. Lo-Fi notation

7.3.1. Color Coding

7.4. Body Language

7.5. Throw Away the Model