Creating and Nourishing Personal Learning Networks

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PLN's by Mind Map: PLN's

1. Structuring

1.1. Pipes

1.1.1. NetvibesDashboard

1.2. Twitter

1.2.1. Lists

1.2.2. TweetDeck

1.2.3. PeerIndex

1.2.4. Klout

1.2.5. Groups

1.2.6. Twibes


1.2.8. TweetyMail

1.3. Facebook

1.3.1. Pages

1.3.2. Groups

1.4. LinkedIn

1.4.1. Groups

1.5. YouTube

1.6. MySpace

1.7. DiigoGroups

1.8. GoogleGroups

1.9. Quora

1.10. LocalSites

1.10.1. Yelp

2. Nourishing

2.1. Pruning

3. Issues

3.1. It's All Too Much

3.2. Stucturing to Benefit from your Network

3.3. ReVision and Go with the Flow

3.4. Learning Disruption

4. Tips and Tricks

4.1. Twitter-FollowFollwer'sFollowers

4.2. Follow Follower's Lists

5. Tools

5.1. 35 Ways to Build a PLN

5.2. Apps for Educators

5.3. Plagarism Fact Checking Tools

5.3.1. How to Prevent Accidental Plagarism

6. Knowledge Management

7. Defs and Examples

7.1. A Principal's Reflections

8. Wikis

9. Wikis

9.1. Quip

9.2. Wiki