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ICT Workshop by Mind Map: ICT Workshop

1. ICT

1.1. Digital Literacy

1.1.1. lesson plans data bases presentations/ quizes

1.2. digital citizenship

1.2.1. search engines

2. Organisation and Administration

2.1. assistive technologies

2.2. Multiple intelligences

2.3. differentiated instruction

2.4. learner centered strategies

2.5. learning styles

3. Teacher Professional Learning

3.1. Office 365

4. ICT in Education Policy

4.1. Inclusive and Equity policy

4.2. Game Based Learning Policy

4.3. Bring Your Own Device Policy

5. Curriculum and Assessment

5.1. E-testing tools

5.2. Curriculum tools

5.2.1. maths English

6. Pedagogy

6.1. Collaborative learning

6.1.1. Problem based learning

6.1.2. Project based learning