Should I take a gap year?

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Should I take a gap year? by Mind Map: Should I take a gap year?

1. Why

1.1. Can be good on a resume

1.2. Gaining valuable life experience

1.2.1. Learn a language such as mandarin which can improve my ability to learn

1.2.2. Become independent which can teach me a lot

1.3. Save up for school (about 4 thousand dollars)

1.3.1. No debt

2. Cons

2.1. Can be very expensive

2.1.1. Living alone Paying rent and other bills Responsibilities Would have to work Whole foods market Paggs Restaurant Landscaping up island or perhaps here in Victoria

2.1.2. Travelling Seriously Expensive if going somewhere far for a long time Would need financial assistance or would have to save up for many months

2.2. Takes longer to get a good job in my field could be potential loss in salary of 5k

2.3. I've already invested time and money into going to Camosun.

2.3.1. countless hours and hundreds of dollars wasted

2.4. Potential to go insane if I have to do more grad transitions work. (If you're reading this I understand you're just doing your job of course)

3. When

3.1. After graduation

3.1.1. Lets me enjoy my last summer break

3.2. For either 6 months or a year

3.2.1. Given the 6 month program I am doing, I can gap for half of the year and start school the second half.

4. What will I be doing

4.1. Traveling

4.1.1. New Zealand

4.1.2. Singapore

4.2. Working at local places around town with decent pay 25k salary which is 12 dollars an hour if working full time the whole year

4.2.1. Good way to pay for school

4.2.2. Buy a car

4.2.3. Good on resume

4.3. Gaining life experience

4.3.1. Learning a new language Mandarin

4.3.2. Learning new cultures and skills

4.4. Living alone

4.4.1. Learning how to be independent