1. M.A.I.N
1.1. Militarism
1.1.1. Militarism is the proper definition for military forces such as army, navy, bombs, guns, grenades etc...
1.2. Alliances
1.2.1. An alliance is the 'friendship' between two or more countries. It is a promise to help the other country if they are in need of military forces or supports etc...
1.3. Imperialism
1.3.1. Imperialism is the action of conquering countries which do not belong to the conqueror in order to expand the land area of the conquering country.
1.4. Nationalism
1.4.1. Nationalism is feeling an extreme proud in one's country, it is a form of patriotism.
2. Militarism
2.1. Militarism was an important cause to WW1. This was due to the increase in military expenditure across Europe. Countries would strengthen their army's, put much time and money into navy's and airforces which essentially was a source of tension between rivaling countries. This was due to the fact that each country felt the need tp have a better military force than the others which caused rivalry and tension, thus leading to WW1.
3. Imperialism
3.1. Imperialism was the most important cause of WW1. This was due to the fact that most central European countries wanted to expand their territory thus creating tension between them. As each country tried to expand the tension increased which eventually resulted in WW1.
4. Alliances
4.1. Alliances played a major role in the causes of WW1, this is because when Alliances or Ententes were formed, other countries felt threatened.
4.1.1. The triple Alliance The triple alliance was a secret alliance between Germany, Austro-Hungary and Italy. They allied because they each felt threatened and by forming this alliance they assured safety for each other. When other countries found out about the triple alliance a lot of tension rose and many other governments felt threatened.
4.1.2. The triple entente The triple entente was an unofficial alliance between France, Russia and Britain. The triple entente was formed because each of these countries felt threatened by the triple alliance and needed safety. This entente was essentially the factor that started WW1.
5. Nationalism
5.1. Nationalism was not a major cause for WW1 but it did contribute to creating tension. Nationalism is putting your own countries needs before others which essentially created tension between countries due to the press writing biased reports and 'racist' articles in the papers.
6. Major events
6.1. March 1905 - May 1906: First Moroccan crisis, tension arose.
6.2. April 1911: Second Moroccan crisis, more tension arose.
6.3. June 28th 1914: Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated, thus lighting fire to the war.
6.4. August 4th 1914: WW1 officially begins with Germany invading Belgium.
7. Major battles
7.1. First battle of the Marne
7.1.1. This battle was the first, Germany was hoping not having to fight on two fronts and therefore planned to fight France before fighting Russia. It went well for Germany at first, however they didn't have enough reinforcements on time and France and Britain took this opportunity to counter-attack and eventually Germany retreated.
7.2. Battle of the Somme
7.2.1. The battle of the Somme happened in 1916 and was a joint battle between France and Britain VS Germany. Britain and France had been planning this and the idea was that Britain would be the main offence. Germany had been laying out well structured defences prior to the attack and despite seven days of bombarding from the French and British, the Brits couldn't get past the defences fast enough and what was supposed to be revenge from France and Britain turned into the most deadly battle for Britain in WW1.