Questions to ask yourself when Inquiring about Animals

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Questions to ask yourself when Inquiring about Animals by Mind Map: Questions to ask yourself when Inquiring about Animals

1. What are some real questions I can ask to learn more?

1.1. What do I already know about animals?

1.1.1. How can I apply this information?

1.1.2. How do I know this?

1.2. What do I want to know about animals?

1.2.1. What kind of animals do I want to learn about?

1.2.2. What is something I wonder about animals?

1.2.3. Where did animals get their names?

1.2.4. How are wild animals different from pets?

1.3. What do I need to know?

1.3.1. What is an animal?

1.3.2. Where do animals live?

1.3.3. What do animals need to survive?

1.3.4. What do animals eat?

2. How can I interpret the information I gather?

2.1. How does this information relate?

2.1.1. To what I already know?

2.1.2. To the main question?

2.2. Why are animals important?

3. Where can I find out more information?

3.1. What resources do I already have on this topic?

3.1.1. How do I access them?

3.2. How do I know the information is correct?

4. How do I report my findings?

4.1. Who is my audience?

4.2. What kind of media will I use to present this information?