How can we capture and transform energy from the world around us to help meet our needs?

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How can we capture and transform energy from the world around us to help meet our needs? by Mind Map: How can we capture and transform energy from the world around us to help meet our needs?

1. How much energy do we need?

1.1. How much do different alternative forms produce?

1.2. is there a "best" choice for alternative energy?

1.3. How much energy do we normally use?

2. Materials

2.1. How do we get them there?

2.2. How do we build "it"?

2.3. What materials?

2.4. Amount?

2.5. Cost?

3. River?

3.1. Which way does the water flow?

3.2. How wide/big?

3.3. Does it freeze in the winter?

3.4. flow rate?

3.5. Depth?

4. Soil?

4.1. Fertile?

4.2. Crops?

5. Weather?

5.1. Season?

5.2. Wind speed?

6. Wildlife?

6.1. Are there fish in the river?

7. How long does this plan have to work?

7.1. When does my plan need to be ready?

8. Budget?

8.1. companies?

8.2. How much do they spend a month now?

9. Property?

9.1. elevation of hill?

9.2. Property size?

9.3. What's under the land?

9.4. Elevation of the property?

9.5. Can we change the landscape?

9.6. Depth of bedrock?