What is effective use of educational games and simulations?

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What is effective use of educational games and simulations? by Mind Map: What is effective use of educational games and simulations?

1. ASSURE Model

2. State Standards and Objectives

2.1. specific and measurable

3. Strategies and Resources

3.1. use a variety of materials

4. Require Learner Participation

4.1. active participation

4.2. immediate feedback

4.3. collaboration

5. Utilize Resources

5.1. preview/prepare materials

5.2. prepare environment

5.3. prepare learners

6. Gamification

7. Evaluate and Revise

7.1. evaluate throughout the lesson

7.1.1. formal

7.1.2. informal

7.2. revise if needed during lesson

7.3. reflection

8. Analyze Learners

8.1. assess prior knowledge

8.2. learning styles

8.3. motivation factors