1. Factors impacting on Student Achievement
1.1. Students
1.1.1. 50% impact on learning
1.2. Home
1.2.1. 5 - 10%
1.3. Schools
1.3.1. 5 - 10%
1.4. Peer Effects
1.4.1. 5 - 10%
1.5. Teachers
1.5.1. 30%
2. Teacher Statisitics
2.1. Average school and average teacher
2.1.1. Entering School 50th
2.1.2. After 2 years 50th
2.2. Least Effective school and least effective teacher
2.2.1. After 2 years 3rd
2.3. Most effective school and least effective teacher
2.3.1. After 2 years 37th
2.4. Most effective school and teacher
2.4.1. After 2 years 96th
2.5. Most effective school and average teacher
2.5.1. After 2 years 78th
2.6. Least effective school and most effective teacher
2.6.1. After 2 years 63rd
3. Teachers
3.1. Teacher are among the most powerful influences on
3.2. Teachers need to be aware of students thinking
3.3. Teachers need to be caring, influential and engaged
4. Attribute of an Effective Teacher
4.1. Think of a time when you learnt powerfully
4.1.1. Chemistry Mr Bowen
4.2. Powerful learning is promoted by
4.2.1. Using different learning styles
4.2.2. Making the environment warm and friendly
4.2.3. Content is less important
5. Talking Vs Doing
5.1. Walk the talk
5.2. Embody the values and beliefs you teach
5.3. Folio
5.3.1. Explain what you believe and what has/hasn't worked
6. Completing vs Comprehending
6.1. Students are normally concerned with completing the task vs comprehending it
6.2. Need to move towards comprehension
7. Classroom Orientation
7.1. Learning Orientation
7.1.1. Focus on understanding major ideas
7.1.2. Work is purposeful and directed at making sense
7.2. Work Orientation
7.2.1. Focus on competing the work
7.3. Work-Avoidance Orientation
7.3.1. Teacher doesn't push students
8. Types of Knowledge
8.1. Fragile Knowledge
8.1.1. Inert Its there but you can't do anything with it
8.1.2. Ritualisitic Pattern useful for school task
8.1.3. Naive Simplistic
8.2. Generative Knowledge
8.2.1. Retention of knowledge
8.2.2. Understanding of Knowledge
8.2.3. Active Use of knowledge
9. What do Students Value?
9.1. From the students POV
9.1.1. What is the role of the teacher?
9.1.2. What is the role of the student?
9.1.3. What is effective learning?
10. Our Educative Purpose
10.1. What is powerful to Learn
10.1.1. VELS
10.2. What is powerful learning and what promotes it?
10.2.1. Principles of Learning and Teaching
10.3. How do we know if it has been learnt
11. PoLTS
11.1. Why
11.1.1. Teacher Ownership
11.1.2. Teachers as generators of knowledge
11.1.3. Collaboration
11.1.4. A willingness to question existing practice
11.1.5. Support for Risk taking
11.1.6. Evolutionary, not revolutionary
11.2. PoLTS Unpacked
11.2.1. Strategies for solving problems