Intelligence: is a person's ability to reason and obtain new information and apply it when necess...

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Intelligence: is a person's ability to reason and obtain new information and apply it when necessary. I think it is this simple because to me an adult is no more intelligent than a child. They have simply had more opportunity to access information. Intelligence is making the most out of leaning opportunities in a way that allows you to retain information and reapply it in a new situation. af Mind Map: Intelligence: is a person's ability to reason and obtain new information and apply it when necessary.  I think it is this simple because to me an adult is no more intelligent than a child.  They have simply had more opportunity to access information.  Intelligence is making the most out of leaning opportunities  in a way that allows you to retain information and reapply it in a new situation.

1. Mathematical Reasoning

2. Reading Skills

3. Language

4. Responsibility

5. Logic and Reasoning

6. Family

6.1. New node

7. Education

8. Media

9. Peers

10. Art and Creativity

11. Behavior

11.1. New node

12. Social Interaction

13. Diverse Cultural Exposure

14. Socialization

15. Literature