1. Social Studies
1.1. Geography
1.1.1. Identify different land characteristics/habitat of Insects
1.1.2. Construct Map of Insect locations in classroom
2. Literacy
2.1. Reading
2.1.1. Read Alouds identify and contrast different insects from Venn diagram Recording information with teacher from literature books Bugs Bugs Bugs The Very Hungry Caterpillar Ants The Very Grumpy Ladybug Bugs!
2.1.2. Identify different letters of insects
2.1.3. Viewing PowerPoints slide Youtube videos on insects online insect stories
2.2. Writing
2.2.1. Write about different insects using webbing
2.2.2. Journal writing about insects
2.2.3. List observation of insects
3. Movement/Physical Education
3.1. Insect walk
3.1.1. Represent movements similar to Insect's natural movement
3.2. Insect songs
3.2.1. Sing songs that identify different characteristics of insects
3.3. Insect dance
3.3.1. Perform dance songs to Insects songs
4. By Catrina Herbert
5. Science
5.1. Insect Life Cycles
5.1.1. Identify the life cycles of different insects
5.1.2. Identify that insects need certain elements to live
5.2. Identifying Insect Body Part
5.2.1. Identify different parts of an insect body
5.2.2. Observe Insects using multiple senses
5.3. Insect habitat
5.3.1. Identify and observe different habitats of insects
6. Art
6.1. Construct
6.1.1. Construct and design insects
6.1.2. Construct and paint insects by their characteristics
6.2. Create
6.2.1. Create visual representations of thier understanding of insects
6.2.2. Create an Insect collage using recycled materials
7. Math
7.1. Data Analysis
7.1.1. Interrupt and construct graphs from given information
7.1.2. Classifying insects by different characteristics
7.2. Measurement
7.2.1. Measure different insects
7.2.2. Describe and compare measurable attributes in insects.
7.2.3. Classify insects and count the number of insects in categories.
7.3. Number Sense
7.3.1. Count insects and match amount to represented number
7.3.2. Count insects and identify the given amount
7.3.3. perform addition problems with given insects
7.3.4. Identify the amount of insects from a given word problem