How Things Fit Together: Building Community in Our Preschool Classroom.

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How Things Fit Together: Building Community in Our Preschool Classroom. by Mind Map: How Things Fit Together: Building Community in Our Preschool Classroom.

1. Fine Arts

1.1. collage

1.1.1. material collections

1.1.2. preparing collage materials

1.1.3. glue making glue glue stick liquid glue

1.1.4. tape

1.1.5. contact paper

2. Language and Literacy

2.1. Children's Book Collections

2.1.1. School

2.1.2. Non fiction: Magnets, How to Make Glue, Germs, Table settings Time

2.1.3. friends

2.1.4. feelings

2.1.5. family

3. Social/Emotional

3.1. How are you

3.1.1. shy

3.1.2. happy

3.1.3. sad

3.1.4. friendly

3.2. Hello/Goodbye

3.3. my name / your name

3.4. groups play and playing alone

4. Mathematics

4.1. Time and sequence

4.2. one to one relationships: table setting

4.3. counting to five

5. Physical Development Health and Safety

5.1. Hand washing

5.2. Take Good Care of You

5.3. Rest

5.4. Exercise

5.4.1. Indoor

5.4.2. Outdoor

6. Science

6.1. magnets

6.1.1. New node

6.2. flannel/velcro

6.3. construction materials

6.3.1. blocks

6.3.2. multilinx New node

6.3.3. unifix New node

6.3.4. legos

6.4. adhesives

6.4.1. glue glue recipe

6.4.2. tape

6.4.3. contact paper

7. Social Studies

7.1. Routines

7.1.1. Time and place

7.1.2. work and play

7.2. Me

7.3. My family

7.3.1. New node

7.4. My classmate

7.4.1. Who's here - attendance