Oral Health Tooth Brushing

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Oral Health Tooth Brushing by Mind Map: Oral Health Tooth Brushing

1. Creative Art

1.1. Toothbrushing painting

1.2. Dental Floss Painting

1.3. Dental Collage

1.4. Styrofoam Tooth Model

1.5. Clay Toothbrush Design

2. Science

2.1. Remove the the plac from your tooth science acrivity

2.1.1. Using Boiled Egg/Tea/Toothbrush, Toothpaste

3. Literacy

3.1. New Vocabulary Words

3.1.1. Enamel

3.1.2. Cavities

3.1.3. Dental Floss

3.1.4. Baking Soda

3.2. Books

3.2.1. Open Wide

3.2.2. Dear Tooth Fairy

3.2.3. Show Me Your Smile

3.2.4. Teeth Are Not For Bitting

4. Movement/ Physical

4.1. Duk, Duck, Goose

4.2. Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes

4.3. Hockey Pockey

5. Math

5.1. Making Toothpaste

5.1.1. Measuring Ccontents

5.1.2. Tooth Brush Shapes

5.1.3. How Many Teeth Do You Have?

5.2. Count Shapes of

5.2.1. Toothbrush

5.2.2. Toothpaste Container

5.2.3. Teeth using Model

6. Social Studies

6.1. Dentist Visit

6.1.1. Visual of Instruments

6.2. The Importance of a Dentist and Dental Hyigene

6.2.1. Dental Hygiene Vist Visual of Instruments Materials Uniform

6.2.2. Dnetist Visit Visual of Instruments/ Machines Clothing Materials Xrays

6.3. Why Do Our Teeth Fall Out