The Real Estate Facebook Business Mindmap

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The Real Estate Facebook Business Mindmap von Mind Map: The Real Estate Facebook Business Mindmap

1. Tips

1.1. Post to Your Facebook Page Every Other Day for The Most Likes

1.2. Facebook Shortcut Keys

1.3. Using Facebook Credits for Loyalty Programs and Beyond

1.4. How to Measure Your Facebook Engagement

1.5. Automatically Moderate Your Page

1.6. Posting Fans As Your Business

1.7. Allow Your Fans to Tag Themselves in Photos

1.8. Target Status Updates

1.9. How to Encourage Engagement on Facebook

2. Get Help

2.1. How To Get Help

2.2. Key Questions to Ask Your Facebook Agency Before Hiring Them

2.3. Goal Setting and Using Insights

3. Groups

3.1. New Facebook Groups

3.2. 4 Things Real Estate Brokerages Should Know About Facebook's New Groups

3.3. 10 Tips for Managing the New Facebook Groups

4. Places

4.1. How to Control Your Information on Places

4.2. How Real Estate Brokerages Can Start Using Facebook Places Now

4.3. How To Use Facebook Places For Your Business

5. Advertising

5.1. Sponsor Stories

5.2. How Advertising Works on Facebook

5.3. Facebook Ads

5.4. How to Use A/B Testing to Achieve Positive ROI on your Facebook Ads

5.5. 4 Ways to Improve Ad Performance on Facebook

5.5.1. CPM vs. CPC: Which Should You Use for Facebook Ads?

5.5.2. One Killer Tactic to Boost Your Facebook Ad Performance

5.5.3. The Single Critical Factor for Successful Advertising on Facebook

5.5.4. The Most Powerful Secret in Facebook Ads

5.6. 18 Tips to Grow Your Fans via Facebook Ads

5.6.1. 10 Facebook Advertising Tips for Brilliant Marketers How to Get 40,310 Facebook Fans in 4 Days

5.6.2. How to Calculate the Cost Per Fan on Facebook Ad Campaigns

5.7. How to Scale Facebook Ads Campaigns

6. Stats

6.1. When Are Facebook Users Most Active?

6.2. Reasons People "Unlike" Brands on Facebook

6.3. Facebook Photos by the Numbers

6.4. How Facebook Users Clicked During the Average 20 Minute Period

6.5. The Anatomy of the Facebook Status Update

6.6. REPORT: Facebook Posts are Best on Thursday

7. Profile

7.1. Tips for Getting More Out of Your Facebook Updates

7.2. Privacy

7.2.1. How to Optimize Your Facebook Privacy for Business

7.2.2. Controlling Sharing

7.2.3. Advanced Security Features

7.2.4. How to Configure the New Facebook Privacy Settings

7.2.5. How to Download Your information from Facebook

7.3. Facebook Messages

7.4. Photos

7.4.1. New Features for Facebook Photos

7.4.2. How to Disable and Opt Out of Facebook Photo Tagging

7.5. How to Convert a Facebook Profile to a Page

8. Analytics

8.1. How to Use Facebook Page Insights for KPI Measurements

8.2. A Beginners Guide to Facebook Insights

8.3. The Value of a Social Media Fan... Priceless

8.4. Inside Facebook Pages

8.5. How to Activate Facebook Insights for Your Website