1930 - 1940 History of American Illustration

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1930 - 1940 History of American Illustration by Mind Map: 1930 - 1940 History of American Illustration

1. Cecil Calvert Beall

2. Virginia Lee Burton

3. Mario Cooper

4. Hal Foster

5. Theodore Seuss Geisel

6. Douglass Crockwell

7. Martha Sawyers

8. Charles Addams

9. Walt Kelly

10. Norman Sauders

11. Virgil Finlay

12. John Clymer

13. Tom Lovell

14. Al Parker

15. Alberto Vargas

16. Jon Whitcomb

17. Mary Blair

18. John R. Neill

19. Margaret Brudnage

20. Bernarda Bryson Shahn

21. Eyvind Earle