What is English?

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What is English? by Mind Map: What is English?

1. 16th century

1.1. Many new words and phrases entered the language

1.2. There was a common language in print

1.3. Books became cheaper and more people learned to read

1.4. 1604: The first English dictionary was published

2. Tribes

2.1. Jutes

2.2. Angles

2.3. Saxons

3. The Normans

3.1. Brought a kind of French

3.2. The upper classes spoke French

3.3. The lower classes spoke English

4. Celtic

4.1. Scotland

4.2. Wales

4.3. Ireland

5. Early Modern English

5.1. The Great Vowel Shift

5.1.1. shorter pronounciation

5.2. Renaissance of Classiscal learning

5.3. 1500-1800

5.4. Printing and reading

5.4.1. grammar and spelling

5.5. 1604 the first English dictionary

6. Late modern English

6.1. Industrial Revolution and technology

6.2. The British Empire

6.3. From 1800 to now

7. The difference

8. Where do words come from?

8.1. Shakespeare

8.2. Vikings/Tribes/Invaders

8.3. Other countries/Impenalism/Colonialism

8.4. Inventions

8.4.1. Industri

8.4.2. Technology

8.4.3. Science

9. Spelling/Standards

9.1. Printing puss (books)

9.2. Bible

9.3. Dictionaries

9.4. Abbreriations

9.4.1. btw

9.4.2. lol

10. Middle English

10.1. English was dominant in Britain again, but with many French words added

10.2. The language of Chaucer

10.3. It's still difficult for English people to understand today

11. AE vs BE

11.1. Spelling

11.2. Vocabulary

11.3. Grammar

11.4. Simply