Beyond Excellence: David Goggins : The Hardest Man Alive

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Beyond Excellence: David Goggins : The Hardest Man Alive by Mind Map: Beyond Excellence: David Goggins :                   The Hardest Man Alive

1. Ultra-Endurance Athlete

1.1. Ultra-marathon runner

1.1.1. Started when many Seal friends were killed in active duty

1.1.2. Has raised millions for Charity: Special Operations Warrior Foundation- college scholarships for surviving children of fallen special ops soldiers First race was 100miles in 24 hours to qualify for the race to get $ Never competed Mile 75 body was shutting down. Peeing blood (kidney failure), 2 broken bones in his feet. He finished the 100 miles in 19 hours

1.2. Ultra distance cyclist

1.3. Triathlete

1.4. Word Record Holder

1.5. Daily routine: up at 3am, 15 mile run, cycles 20+ miles to work & he hates it!

2. Overcoming Difficulties

2.1. Lost weight 2x

2.1.1. Lost 100# in 59 days to become a Seal

2.2. Asthmatic

2.3. Hole in his heart surgery didn’t fix

3. Warrior/Hero

3.1. Retired Navy Seal

3.1.1. Had to start Hell week over 2x because of a hernia & pneumonia during BUD/S (underwater demolition/Seal school. This after barely passing his physical.

3.1.2. “He epitomizes what a SEAL is, and he earns that trident every day” Senior Chief Petty Officer Jason Torey (colleague & former SEAL instructor).

3.2. USAF Tactical air controller training

3.3. 21 year veteran

3.3.1. Afghanistan & Iraq

3.4. Army Ranger School

3.4.1. Graduated as “Enlisted Honor Man”

3.5. Only one to ever do all 3 of these US armed forces

4. “Everything I try to do is defined by excellence”

