Types of Platforms we used

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Types of Platforms we used by Mind Map: Types of Platforms we used

1. 3. Twitter and Instagram- Using social media platforms such as these meant that we could keep our audience up to date with what syncstudios was creating. For example teaser tweets and images, before revealing the final product at the end.

2. 4. Canva- This was a platform source that we used primarily to show information in presentation form. We found this site efficient and easy to use. By the end of the process it become one of our favourites to present information.

3. 5. Piktochart- We used this presentation layout for it's clear, precise and sleek image. It allows you to insert images and videos, which becomes more visual for a viewer to look at.

4. 7. Google- A search engine that enabled us to have unlimited access to research and data, that helped us to understand the fundamentals of a music video and how to create one.

5. 9. Soundcloud- Is an audio platform where we could present information in the form of speech instead of a visual platform we are use to using. We liked using this one as it was something completely different to what we were use to using.

6. 11. Survey Monkey- This online questionnaire survey allowed us to create our own survey in relation to the music video we wanted to create. We asked important questions in order to help us meet the correct codes and conventions for our aimed target market. The ease of the survey also meant that anyone could answer it online and the results would automatically save.

7. 1. YouTube- This particular video sharing website allowed us to upload videos such as our vlogs and then embed them onto the blog. This was beneficial as it enabled us to show our filming journey and our process to the final product.

8. 2. Blogger- Creating a blog meant that we could show the journey of creating a music video through uploading frequent posts.

9. 6. Mind Meister- This platform enabled us to to make mind maps easily in the planning process, as it good to use to brain storm ideas and present them in a more interesting way.

10. 10. Go Conqr- this platform was another example of a slideshow to present our information, however it wasn't the most straight-forward to use and therefore as a group we wasn't prone to using it as often.

11. 12. Wikipedia- a free online information source where people submit their own knowledge so that other people can learn from it. We was able to accumulate history of both the artist and song, so we could meet a similar criteria as well as put our own style on it.

12. 8. Slideshare/ Calameo- similar sites that offer the same usage but with different names. Both which allowed us to upload word documents and powerpoints into, which could be then transferred onto the blog as they could not be embedded onto the blog directly.