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Energy by Mind Map: Energy

1. Forms of Energy

1.1. Kinetic Energy: The energy an object has due to its motion.

1.1.1. Factors that affect KE : If the mass and velocity of an object increases, the kinetic energy also increases.

1.1.2. Example of KE : If you roll a bowling ball & a golf ball at the same velocity, the bowling ball has greater kinetic energy as its mass is greater.

1.1.3. KE =1/2 x mass x velocity ^2

1.2. Potential Energy: Energy stored in an object due to its position

1.2.1. Gravitational Potential Energy: The greater the height and weight of an object, the greater the gravitational potential energy. Example: The Earth's gravitational PE is greater than a book's as its mass is greater When energy is transferred to an Earth-object system , gravitational field energy of the system increase.

1.2.2. Elastic Potential Energy: The energy an object has due to being deformed. This energy is usually associated with objects that can be stretched like bow & arrow. Factors that affect this energy: material the object is made of & amount of deformation

2. Energy Transformation

2.1. The process of changing from one form to another. Example: When a car sits out in the sun, the sunlight energy transforms to heat energy making the car warm from the inside

3. Everyday Usage of Energy

3.1. Computers

3.2. Cars

3.3. Lamp

3.4. Microwave

4. Video About Energy

4.1. What is Energy?

5. What is energy?

5.1. The ability to do work

6. Sources of Energy

6.1. Energy can be classified into 2 sources: Non-renewable & renewable

6.1.1. Non-renewable: Oil, coal, natural gas, and other fossil fuels

6.1.2. Renewable: Biomass, geothermal power, hydropower, solar energy, and wind energy.

7. Types of Energy

7.1. Thermal Energy

7.1.1. Energy transferred from one object to another in the form of heat. Example: The sun radiates heat to warm us up.

7.2. Mechanical Energy

7.2.1. Sum of potential & kinetic energy. Example: Football thrown. Higher the football, greater the potential energy. Faster it moves, greater its K.e.

7.3. Chemical Energy

7.3.1. Potential energy stored in chemical bonds. Usually stored in foods. After done eating, your body can use this energy.

7.4. Electromagnetic Energy

7.4.1. Travels in waves. The waves consist of both electrical & magnetic properties. Examples: microwaves used to cook food, X-rays, ultraviolet radiation, etc.

7.5. Electrical Energy

7.5.1. Energy of electric charges. This type of energy can be either kinetic or potential. Examples: Lightning, radios, batteries, etc.

7.6. Nuclear Energy

7.6.1. Type of potential energy stored in the nucleus of an atom. Released during a nuclear reaction. Example: Nuclear fission occurs when a nucleus splits. Nuclear power plants use fission to create electricity.