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Arsenic (As) by Mind Map: Arsenic (As)

1. intro

1.1. atomic number 33.

1.1.1. Protons=electrons=33

2. physical properties

2.1. Arsenic occurs in many minerals

2.1.1. In combination with sulfur and metals,

2.1.2. As a pure elemental crystal.

2.2. Phase (at STP) solid

2.3. Sublimation point 887 K ​(615 °C, ​1137 °F)

2.4. Density (near r.t.) 5.727 g/cm3

3. uses

3.1. The primary use of metallic arsenic is in alloys of lead

3.1.1. car batteries

3.1.2. ammunition

4. atomic model of arsenic

4.1. electronic configuration

4.1.1. 2, 8, 18, 5

5. unique characteristics

5.1. typically found in minerals

5.1.1. Arsenopyrite

5.1.2. Realgar

5.1.3. Orpiment

6. discovery

6.1. c. 800 CE