Foundations of Education

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Foundations of Education by Mind Map: Foundations of Education

1. 2- Race to the top funds and Goal 2000 However Race to the top Fund in 2009 : TO aid States in meeting NCLB 4.35 billions to help improve the outcomes of students and closing the achivement gap and learning gaps

2. schools as organizations. Chpt. 6

2.1. Senior Senator- Richard Shelby Junior Senator - Doug Jones

2.2. Alabama house representatives- Bradley Byrne, 1st district / Martha Roby- 2nd district/ Mike Rogers 3rd District/Robert Aderholt 4th District/Mo Brooks 5th District/ Gary Palmer 6th District/ Terri Sewell 7th District

2.3. State Superintendent Michael Sentence

2.4. representative on state school board- members 1-Kay Ivey -President 2- Stephanie Bell Vice President 3- Cynthia McCarty President Pro Tem 4- Jackie Zeigler District 1 5- Betty Peters District 2 6- Ivette M Richardson District 4 7- Ella B Bell District 5 8- Jeffrey Newman District 7 9- Mary Scott Hunter District 8 10- Ed Richardson Executive officer

2.4.1. Particular Philosophies of Education Idealism, Greek thinking by asking questions, Realism- is Essentialism Progressivism- Pragmatism Social Reconstructionism, Existentialism , and Critical Pedagogy . All these different philosophies cause change in Education through reforms and the philosophies provide a basis for such purpose as the role of teachers, goal of education and curriculum.

2.5. Superintendent of Huntsville city- Dr. Matthew Akin / Board of Education Member - local Huntsville City Elisa Farrell District 3/ Walker McGinnis District 4/ Beth Wilder District 2/ Michelle Watkins District 1 / Pam Hill District 5 /Madison County Superintendent Matt Massey

3. Curriculum, Pedagogy,and the Transmissions of Knowledge chpt 7

3.1. The Curriculum Theory that I would advocate is the developmental curriculum is related to the interest of the student rather than Society. The curriculum took aspects from Dewey's writings related to the relationship between the child and the curriculum. Curriculum stresses the interest of the child and relating school and life experiences to the child, also flexibility of how it is taught. Private schools still use this curriculum. (Dewey1902)

3.1.1. One traditional teaching is when Teachers and Schools use a specific curriculum they are mandated by the State Education Department an implemented into an organized manner within the school. The traditional curriculum have been concerned with the science of the curriculum. Peogressive Education and the developmental and the use of Education Reform are all dominant in traditions of teaching.

4. Equality of Opportunity and Educational Outcomes chpt 8

4.1. Class: Different social class students who are from upper or middle class are considered to do better in school. Also the working class have different experiences in education the higher the class the more they will succeed. Gender

4.2. Race: Race was impacted during the civil rights movement in the 1960s an individual race has direct impact on their education according to percentages from the National Center for Education Statistics Whites percentage of drop outs 5.2% are lower than African American 9.3% and Hispanics. 17.6%

4.2.1. Coleman Study 1982 High School Achievement compared to public and private schools. Private schools do it better. Especially with low income students like in Catholic Schools do better then suburban public schools. Equality of Educational Opportunities schools which is mostly African American have an affect on student achievement outcomes. Where a person goes to school is often related to their achievement also all school should give equal opportunity to all students.

4.3. Gender: race was impacted during the civil rights movement in the 1960s an individuals race has direct impact on their education according to percentages from the National Center for Education statistics.

5. Explanations of Educational Inequality chpt 9

5.1. two types of cultural differences theory

5.1.1. 1- African American who feel the burden of acting White and other dilemmas with High achievement from their own peers.

5.1.2. Gender Inequalities in Education 2-Gender performance is different in the academic area. Also cultural and social capital of those middle class and upper class working have better rates of succeeding.

5.2. Four school centered- explanations for educational inequality. 1- School Financing inequalities of funding not a moral issue alone but also is a political issue or problem. 2- Effective School Research - the findings of Coleman and Jencks that differences in school resources also the socioeconomic differences effective schools characteristics a climate of high expectations , strong leadership by a Principal , Accountability for students and teachers , monitoring of student learning, and high degree of instructional time on task. Flexibility for teachers. -3-Between School Differences school climate less authoritarian and more student centered environment 4- Within School Differences Curriculum and ability grouping perform differently tracking by ability standardized test scores.

6. Educational Reform and School Improvement chpt 10

6.1. two school based reforms

6.1.1. School Choice- Most public schools were failing. Parents decided to pick Magnet or Charter School and Private Schools had tuition vouchers because the students achievements were not high at public school.

6.1.2. 2- School Business Partnerships- this was scholarships for poor students to attend college and program business were adopted in schools just like the school to work program opportunity started by Clinton.

6.2. 1- No Child Left Behind Act The most comprehensive federal legislation on education ever. Accountability flexibility for faculty and administration

6.3. describe at least two political reforms

7. Politics of Education chpt2

7.1. purpose of Education

7.1.1. 4 purposes- intellectual, political social, economics

7.2. role of school

7.2.1. Is a central focus of each perspective. The role of school is concerned with the aims, perspective, and function of education in society. perspectives- radical, traditional, progressive, liberal and conservative

7.3. explanations of unequal performance

7.3.1. the different perspectives of society believe that there is an unequal opportunity due to lower social economic status, background and that educational failure is due to the economy and background. Each group thinks their is a disadvantage for a group with different status.

7.4. definition of educational problems

7.4.1. Each perspective feels different about multicultural ideas. They feel we have lost our traditional discipline as a decline in authority. The difference in quality from urban to suburban schools. 4 other main issues are decline of literacy, achievement gap, the crisis in urban education and assessment issues.

8. The History of Education chpt3

8.1. The age of reform: The Rise of a common School. I believe this had the most movement in education. Being the Industrial Revolution and Horace Mann struggled for free public education. First school established for training for teachers in 1839 in Massachusetts.

8.1.1. Education for Women and African Americans. Women were thought of as homemaker, housewives or a helpmate. It was thought that the women was to fragile for education or common school. Until 1820 when the movement for education for women in the United States was making progress. Emma Hart opened the first school for women in 1821 in Troy New York. The curriculum was math, science, geography and history.

9. The Sociology of Education Chpt4

9.1. theory perspective - a conceptual guide to understanding the relation between school and society. (worksheet) an integration of all known principles, laws and information pertaining to a specific area of study.

9.1.1. functional theory-interdependence of the social system Durkheim invented the sociology of education. Education reform create structures, programs, and curricula that technically advanced, rational and encourage social unity. page 118

9.1.2. conflict theory- not based on collective agreement but on the ability of dominant groups to impose their will on the subordinate groups through force, cooptation and manipulation. foundation of society is economic, cultural, political, and military power. Weber - sociologist 1864-1920 pg.119

9.1.3. interactional theory- macro and micro approach. the big picture. The critique arises between students to students and students and teachers. from the observation that functional and conflict theories. Investigate the everyday taken for granted behaviors and interactions. page 120

9.2. The 5 effects of schooling 1- knowledge and attitudes- in terms of schooling it depended on attitude and knowledge that they may acquire in school. The higher the social class the higher his or her achievements. 2-Employment- most students believe that graduating from college will lead to greater employment opportunities. 3- Gender- women get treated differently then men. Gender discrimination. Men are frequently paid more than women. Inequalities still exist today. 4-Tracking-the placement of students in curricular programs based on students ability and inclination. 5-Teacher behavior- teachers are to be models for students and instructional leaders. Teachers have a huge impact on student learning and behavior.

10. Chpt 5 The Philosophy of Education

10.1. Generic Notions - of pragmatism instrumentalism and experimentalism John Dewey wanted attainment of a better society through education.

10.2. Pragmatism founders John Dewey 1859-1952, George Sanders Pierce 1839-1914, and William James 1842-1910 Pragma comes from the greek word WORK. viewed as American Phylosophy, process that works to achieve the desired end. pg186 Exploring Education

10.2.1. Goal of Education - for Pragmatism the goal is to improve the social order , he stressed the importance of school that ideas can be challenged, implemented and restructured. Believed that school should balance with society and community. Focus on a democratic society. Role of the Teacher- In a role of progressive setting the teacher is no longer the authoritarian figure The teacher writes the curriculum and helps plan and implement course of study. The teacher offers question and guidance encourages and gives suggestions. Method of Instruction- children learn individually and in groups . Children should start the mode of inquiry posing questions about what they know.