1. Schools stratify students into tracks by
2. Politics of Education Chapter 2
2.1. Four Purposes of Schooling
2.1.1. Intellectual
2.1.2. Political and civic
2.1.3. Economic
2.1.4. Social
2.2. Political perspectives concerning education
2.2.1. Role of School School leaders and leadership teams have a vital role in shaping the culture of a school and ensuring that effective policies, procedures and strategies are in place.
2.2.2. Unequal Education Preformance
2.2.3. Educational Problems
2.2.4. Educational Policy and Reform Expenditure Reform Financing Reform Management and Institution Reform
2.2.5. The American Dream Education has always been one of the five core pillars of the American Dream, along with a decent job that can support a family, home ownership, affordable healthcare and a secure retirement.
3. History of U.S. Education Chapter 3
3.1. Age of Reform: The Ride of the Common School
3.1.1. Normal schools were created for teacher education
3.1.2. Public education was for public stability and social mobility
3.2. School’s/ Education’s Responsibility
3.2.1. The school serves as the focal point for addressing societal issues.
3.2.2. There is little consensus on motives for school reform.
3.3. Urbanization and the Progressive Impetus
3.3.1. Cities contained enormous amounts of uneducated people thus dividing the social classes even more. Materials Personnel Services Duration
3.3.2. Schools became the focus of social problems such as hygiene, health and social skills.
3.4. Progressive movement
3.4.1. Curriculum supports the needs of the child and thus gives knowledge and insight to human history and promotes impetus for change and betterment of society.
4. Sociological Perspectives Chapter 4
4.1. Current Education Crisis
4.1.1. One third of children are at risk of failing.
4.1.2. One fourth of preschool children live in poverty.
4.1.3. Fifteen million are reared by single mothers.
4.2. The Relation between schools and society
4.2.1. Schools are agents of cultural social transmission.
4.2.2. Students are taught the values and beliefs of the society for them to think and act like other members of society.
4.2.3. Schools stratify students into tracks by curricular placements which results in how they are successful.
4.2.4. Schools select students for educational mobility.
4.3. What is sociology?
4.3.1. Understanding how social aspirations and fears force people to ask questions about the societies and culture in which they live.
4.4. Theoretical Perspectives
4.4.1. Functional poses that society is best when a consensus rules. Education creates the moral unity for social cohesion and harmony. Conflict is a breakdown of shred values.
4.4.2. Interactions pose the society develops as a result of interactions between students and teachers.
4.4.3. Conflict poses that influential groups impose their will on subordinate groups.
5. Philosophy of Education Chapter 5
5.1. Philosophical approach
5.1.1. Selecting knowledge for the classroom
5.1.2. Ordering their classroom
5.1.3. Interacting with students, peers, parents and administrators
5.1.4. Selecting values for their classroom
5.2. Idealism
5.2.1. Talking about the materials
5.2.2. Ask why this works
5.2.3. Giving another way to look at things
5.3. Realism
5.3.1. Lecture
5.3.2. Q&A
5.3.3. Discussion
5.4. Pragmatism
5.4.1. Learning individually as well as in groups
5.4.2. New Topic
6. Schools as Organizations Chapter 6
6.1. Structure of US schooling
6.1.1. Governance Each state is responsible for education US Department of Ed was created in ‘70 with very little power
6.1.2. Centralization 55 million students are educated at the cost of $650 billion In ‘30 there were 128,000 public school districts Average Elementary school has 450 students. High school have 865
6.1.3. Degree of openness Very few academic impediments exist to graduate high school Open to all and very inclusive
6.2. International Comparisons
6.2.1. Individuals go through rigorous academic rites of passage
6.3. School Processes and Cultures
6.3.1. Schools are separate social organizations Definitive populations Political structure Multitude of social groups Prevailing by the “we feeling”
7. Curriculum and Pedagogy Chapter 7
7.1. Idealists say we should teach the great works along mankind
7.2. Social Efficiency
7.2.1. Social Efficiency Curriculum advocates say that we should reflect and teach what is important for society to be functional and productive
7.2.2. Became the cornerstone of Progressivism
7.3. Societies Influences
7.3.1. Social class composition of the school and community have determined what is of value in the curriculum
7.4. Cultural influences
7.5. Other influences
7.5.1. Evolutionists
7.5.2. Creationists
7.5.3. Science of Math
7.5.4. Nation at Risk
7.6. Political Influences
7.6.1. The curriculum have determined and set battle lines for domination of what should be taught
8. Equality of Opportunity Chapter 8
8.1. Social stratification
8.1.1. Castle- a persons’ social level is determined by race or religion
8.1.2. Estate systems- a persons’ social level is determined by family value and worth
8.1.3. Class systems- a persons’ worth is determined by their ability to overcome by personal achievement
8.2. School Segregation
8.2.1. Racial and ethnic segregated schools is increasing
8.2.2. Highly segregated schools have lower achievement levels than integrated schools
8.3. Educational Attainment and Economic Achievement
8.3.1. College graduates have higher salaries
8.3.2. Amount of education is directly related to life chances
8.3.3. Life chances are directly related to social level and race
9. Educational Inequality Chapter 9
9.1. Sociological Explanations of Inequality
9.1.1. Functionalist Theorists support the idea that each students’ success is determined by their own hard work and desire to succeed
9.1.2. Conflict Theorists support the idea that student success is affected by their environment
9.1.3. Interactionists Theorists support that student success is determined by a combination of factors such as family, social class schools and environment
9.2. Other factors
9.2.1. Student- centered factors such as family, peer group, community, culture, and the student
9.2.2. School- centered factors include teachers, teaching methods , curriculum, school climate, and teacher expectations
9.2.3. Multidimensional factors include every thing that affects student success
10. Educational Reform Chapter 10
10.1. Approaches to Reform
10.1.1. Neo Liberal Apporoach
10.1.2. Societal and Community Approach
10.2. School Based Reforms
10.2.1. School choice
10.2.2. Charter schools
10.2.3. Tuition Vouchers
10.2.4. Intersectional Choice Plans (Public to Private)
10.2.5. Intersectional Choice Plans (public)
10.3. Education Program
10.3.1. More intellectual demands in education programs
10.3.2. Attract and retain competent teachers
10.3.3. Reorganize educational academic and professional development
10.4. Theory of Educational Problems and Reform
10.4.1. Integrative Realm- Basic skills and knowledge is the focus for school improvement and student achievement
10.4.2. Developmental Realm- Focus is on developing the whole child by having schools become more humane institutions